	function js_compact(str)
		 * whitespace surrounding these characters is unnecessary:
		 * {}()[]<>.;,=!+-*%>|^~?:"'/
		var js_compact_punctuation = '{}()\\[\\]<>.;,=!+\\-*%>|^~?:"\'\/';
		var idx, output = '', re_falsealarm, safe, type, hunt;

		 * js_compact_code:
		 * this function performs simple whitespace reduction, and assumes
		 * the spacing within the passed str isn't important
		function js_compact_code(str)
			var re_whitespace;

			/* translate and reduce whitespace */
			str = str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

			/* remove leading/trailing whitespace */
			str = str.replace(/^ *(.*\S) *$/, '$1');

			/* remove unnecessary whitespace around punctuation */
			re_whitespace = new RegExp(' *([' + js_compact_punctuation + ']) *', 'g');
			str = str.replace(re_whitespace, '$1');

			return str;

		/* paranoia */
		for (safe = 0; safe < 1024*1024; safe++) {
			/* look for a quote (", ', /, or /*) */
			if ((idx = str.search(/["'\/]/)) != -1) {
				/* store the quote type */
				type = str.charAt(idx);

				/* check to see if this was a false alarm (non-regexp /) */
				if (type == '/') {
					re_falsealarm = new RegExp('[^' + js_compact_punctuation + ' \f\n\r\t\u00A0\u2028\u2029]+\s*' + type + '$');

					if (str.substr(0, idx + 1).search(re_falsealarm) != -1) {
						/* it's a false alarm, remove whitespace and continue */
						output += js_compact_code(str.substr(0, idx + 1));

						str = str.substr(idx + 1);

					 * comments are a special case because they look a lot
					 * like regexp literals :/
					if (str.charAt(idx + 1) == '*')
						type = '*/'

				/* remove whitespace */
				output += js_compact_code(str.substr(0, idx));

				/* advance past unquoted text */
				str = str.substr(idx);

				/* look for closing quote */
				if (type == '*/') {
					hunt = '\\*/';
				} else {
					hunt = '[^\\\\]' + type;

				 * the offset in the substrs below is 2 because the normal quote
				 * case matches an extra character (the non-\ char), but the
				 * comment case doesn't (comments can't be escaped), making
				 * the length for each match 2 chars.
				if ((idx = str.search(hunt)) != -1) {
					/* found it, so if it's not a comment... */
					if (type != '*/') {
						/* ...add quoted text verbatim */
						output += str.substr(0, idx + 2);

					/* advance past the quoted section */
					str = str.substr(idx + 2);
				} else {
					/* abandon ship! */
					alert('Missing trailing ' + type + ':\n' + str);
			} else {
				/* no more quotes, compact remainder */
				output += js_compact_code(str);
		return output;
	var x, l = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

	for (x = 0; x < l.length; x++) {
		l[x].href = js_compact(l[x].href);

Good god! Run this beast on itself!