Basic PNG image types, non-interlaced* and interlaced:

Alpha-channel images with and without background chunks:

The two rows should look identical in browsers that handle transparency correctly. In a normal image viewer (one with no preferred background, i.e., not a web browser), the top four icons should have backgrounds of yellow, white, gray and black, respectively; this will be visible on the left sides of all four images and around the periphery of the first and third icons (the two `X' images). The icons in the bottom row will generally default to a black background in non-browser image viewers.

Histogram-chunk images:

Chromaticity-chunk images:

Images with different gamma chunks:

All six columns will look essentially identical (not counting the printed numbers) if your browser does gamma correction. Within each icon, the two rightmost bars (one solid color and one with alternating black and max-intensity horizontal lines) will appear to be approximately the same color, assuming your browser's gamma correction is correct for your monitor. If your browser just dumps the raw pixel data on screen, the icons to the left will have darker bars than those to the right.

Images with different compression filters:

Images with comments or time stamps:

Images with significant-bits chunks, both colormapped and truecolor:

Images with non-square pixels and/or pixels with physical dimensions:

1x1 to 9x9 and 32x32 to 40x40 images, non-interlaced and interlaced:

Images with simple transparency and various background chunks:

Illegal and/or corrupted PNG images: